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Jorge P. Castellanos - VP Communications & Member Services

Jorge's outstanding ability to communicate through words and images, and his extensive experience in over 20 years of building, developing and managing creative media enterprises make him invaluable to our success. His dynamic leadership, interpersonal relationship and community-building skills are key components of our business development.

Jorge is a media industries veteran, starting and running small to large-sized film, teleproduction, multimedia and music businesses. His management team launched the music retail development division of video game industry giant SEGA. In its first year, that team produced and released three ground breaking music CD products generating over 50,000 units sold. Jorge subsequently formed a start-up partnership with that team, acquiring and transforming the Music division into a private music and film production venture catering to local clientele and international artists alike. As a managing partner, his leadership capabilities influenced virtually every aspect of the business - from strategy and communications, to product development and marketing.

Jorge is Senior Editor of our site and is the driving force behind our Members Village. He is the creator of most of what is read at our site, manages all of our product delivery, maintains contact with our entire membership, oversees our affiliate program and directs customer service. He is also publisher of our upcoming e-magazine and manages various operations and administrative responsibilities.

Jorge earned a BS from San Diego State University in Radio, Television and Film Production.

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