Four years ago, we reported that the Harrells, the Epperlys (Pam's Fam), and the Clarks celebrated Thanksgiving at Disneyland. Jack and Dea, performing the role of scouts, went down early. They stopped in Atascadero to visit with Dea's Mom and her brothers' families and enjoyed their easy and safe trip. Kris flew down and was picked up Tuesday afternoon, another uneventful trip.
     The Clarks and the Epps (with Roger and Pam) headed down on Tuesday. The Clarks trip went smoothly, but the Epps were stopped about half-way with a failing transmission. They found a motel, called those already in Anaheim, and began to settle in for the night. The plan was to find somewhere to leave their vehicle to be repaired, rent a car, and continue to LA, enjoy the weekend and pick up the car on the return trip. To expedite the procedure, Gary called a mechanic (at midnight) to leave a message hoping to get things going early in the morning. But the mechanic was working and said bring it on over. He quickly diagnosed the problem, stole a part off of his own car to fix it, charged them $90 and sent them on their way. Needless to say, we were all a bit surprised at their luck on a holiday weekend no less.
     Jess and Hugh arrived on Thursday morning and we thoroughly enjoyed several days at Disneyland, a day at Universal Studios, and Roger, Pam and Kris even added a jaunt to Magic Mountain. We especially enjoyed the revamped Tomorrowland. It really is nice to have several days to enjoy the park as there is far too much to do to cram into a single day.
     Other than traffic problems, most of the trips home were uneventful. However, Kristen got the prize for most difficult trip. Fortunately, she flew in and out of the Orange County Airport, so she was nowhere near the shootout that occurred at LAX. But, her flight was delayed and she missed her connecting flight in San Jose. There were no more flights out of SJ, so she was shuttled to Oakland and put on a flight there. The good news was that her good friend Adria was on that same Oakland flight. At least there was some compensation for the delay.

E-mail the clan

Jack: hjbass@aol.com
Dea: dharrell@dhs.ca.gov or deasing@aol.com
Hugh: hharrell@uhc.com or ibhugh@sierra.com
Roger: roger@audiblefaith.com
Pam: pamela@audiblefaith.com
Kris: kharrell@u.washington.edu

Thanks for reading, God Bless
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